On Friday, E3G shared with the College of Commissioners of the European Union and all Member States’ energy and climate attachés its high-level strategy to build a robust post-2020 climate and energy framework. E3G hopes to inform the informal discussions European environment and energy ministers will have on 23 April in Dublin on the 2030 climate and energy package.
A robust and comprehensive package must include five binding targets and implementing measures
- A GHG emission reduction target, reinforced by a strong EU ETS.
- A binding energy efficiency target, reducing the EU’s energy bill and exposure to market shocks, and enhancing its competitiveness.
- A binding renewable energy target, delivering steady and predictable emission reductions, creating jobs, and improving the block’s energy security.
- Infrastructure deployment targets to ensure efficient trading and sitting of resources across Europe.
- A strategy for the deployment of carbon capture and storage, notably through the expansion of the NER300 programme providing innovative financing for the deployment of new technologies.
The EU must propose legislation this year on these different pillars in order to rebuild market confidence, stimulate the economy and leverage global ambition in the run up to the 2015 COP.