
Degrees of Risk- Defining a Risk Management Framework for Climate Security


There is a growing consensus in the security community that climate change presents signifi-cant risks to the delivery of national, regional and global security goals. Through sea level rise,shortages of food and water and severe weather events, climate change will have significantimpacts on all countries, which in turn could affect their social stability and economic security.In the coming decades such impacts will increase the likelihood of conflict in fragile countriesand regions. Peaceful management of even moderate climatic changes will require investmentin increased resilience in national and international security and governance systems.

Read the full report in link above.


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Walking through the flooding in the city of Jakarta. The power of the London re/insurance market, combined with the strengths of the global resilience community, can act as a powerful force in driving resilience and adaptation action.
LCAW | Resilience and Adaptation Summit
15:30 29 Jun 2023 Howden Group Office, One Creechurch Place, London, EC3A 5AY

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