Governments need to be willing and able to take drastic action to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Through analysis, diplomacy and coalition building, we work to win the politics and geopolitics of climate.
Bolstering deep international collaboration
As trusted brokers, we work across the UNFCCC agenda, the G7 and G20, and many other fora to promote collaboration on the big issues of our time. Our network of experts around the globe help us to understand local perspectives, and bring stakeholders to the table. We also work with governments who rely on our diplomacy expertise of how to get things done in climate policymaking. Find out more about our cross-E3G teams for Climate Diplomacy & Geopolitics, and Political Economy & Governance.
Analysing political conditions
Successfully influencing climate politics relies on knowing the lie of the land and being able to identify the opportunities for action. We monitor and report on national-level and geopolitical developments to understand how they change the prospect for climate investment and the energy transition.
Building capacity in the climate community
We share our analysis and insights privately and in public to build alignment across all those collaborating for change.
We share our knowledge products privately or as published on our website, and make our deep research into the political conditions of major economies available to the climate community through the Climate Transformation Hub. This analysis empowers our community to cooperate, build strategies and influence for transformational climate action. We provide the global secretariat for the International Climate Councils Network, which brings together independent climate advisory bodies worldwide. We promote whole-of-society climate transition through our secretariat leadership of London Climate Action Week (LCAW), which has inspired other cities around the globe to follow suit.
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