Rob Moore

Associate Director - Public Banks & Development

Rob is an Associate Director, leading E3G's Public Banks & Development work.

Rob Moore
E3G London Office

Rob in the media

Rob Moore is quoted by Wired on reaching an agreement being an achievement at COP29
Rob Moore is quoted in the Financial Times on the systemic shift in financing climate action seen in the final hours of COP29
Rob Moore is quoted by France24 on the figure agreed at COP29 only being the start of climate investment needed
Rob Moore is quoted by the Guardian on the lack of a clear proposal or financial figures at COP29
Rob Moore is quoted by the Financial Times on the NCQG text
Rob Moore is quoted by the New York Times on the need for political intervention in the second week of negotiations at COP29
Rob Moore is quoted by Smart Energy International on the tone of the negotiations at COP29 being very aware of the US election
Rob Moore is quoted by the Wall Street Journal on the challenges of coordinating climate finance
Rob Moore is quoted by the WSJ about the Independent High-Level Expert Group on Climate Finance’s proposals to mobilise private capital
Rob Moore is quoted by Climate Change News on what is needed for the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) to go significantly beyond the existing figure of $100 billion a year
Rob Moore is quoted by The Washington Post on the climate finance needs of developing nations
Rob Moore is quoted by ESG Investor on the World Bank and IMF annual meetings

Rob leads E3G’s work on development finance and the role of public banks in catalysing the transition to a climate safe world, with a focus on mobilising support and investment to emerging markets and developing economies.

This includes oversight of E3G’s thought leadership and engagement on international financial architecture reform, delivery of the E3G Public Bank Climate Tracker Matrix for evaluating the alignment of public banks with climate goals, and work to improve the delivery and quality of climate finance through the use of more effective instruments and delivery vehicles. Rob’s team also leads on development and climate finance aspects of key international processes like the G20 and UNFCCC; and holds E3G’s relationships with multi-lateral development banks and development finance institutions, working closely with thematic teams across E3G.

Prior to joining E3G, Rob spent a decade working on energy and climate policy in the UK Government across a range of ministries. This included roles covering domestic electricity market reform and low carbon investment in the Treasury, a number of international climate finance strategy and negotiations roles, and most recently leading the UK team working on international sustainable finance and carbon markets through the publication of the UK’s Green Finance Strategy. Rob also served as a senior member of the UK COP 26 Presidency, overseeing the climate finance, technology and capacity building team. He holds an MSc in Sustainability, Planning & Environmental Policy from Cardiff University.

Rob leads E3G’s work on development finance and the role of public banks in catalysing the transition to a climate safe world, with a focus on mobilising support and investment to emerging markets and developing economies.

This includes oversight of E3G’s thought leadership and engagement on international financial architecture reform, delivery of the E3G Public Bank Climate Tracker Matrix for evaluating the alignment of public banks with climate goals, and work to improve the delivery and quality of climate finance through the use of more effective instruments and delivery vehicles. Rob’s team also leads on development and climate finance aspects of key international processes like the G20 and UNFCCC; and holds E3G’s relationships with multi-lateral development banks and development finance institutions, working closely with thematic teams across E3G.

Prior to joining E3G, Rob spent a decade working on energy and climate policy in the UK Government across a range of ministries. This included roles covering domestic electricity market reform and low carbon investment in the Treasury, a number of international climate finance strategy and negotiations roles, and most recently leading the UK team working on international sustainable finance and carbon markets through the publication of the UK’s Green Finance Strategy. Rob also served as a senior member of the UK COP 26 Presidency, overseeing the climate finance, technology and capacity building team. He holds an MSc in Sustainability, Planning & Environmental Policy from Cardiff University.

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