Climate Diplomacy
& Geopolitics

Connecting real economy dynamics with diplomatic outreach and multilateral processes to build momentum and confidence for faster climate action and transition.

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Climate diplomacy and geopolitics are central to E3G’s mission. The team collaborates with government departments, international organisations, and civil society networks in Europe, the UK, the US, China, Brazil, and beyond, fostering diplomatic engagement, understanding, and cooperation on critical climate issues.

The team coordinates diplomatic efforts for key multilateral processes, including the Conferences of the Parties (COPs), the G7, and the G20, while drawing on the expertise of thematic and regional experts across the organisation. These areas of expertise include energy, trade, finance, and adaptation and resilience.

In addition, the team plays a leading role in integrating climate considerations into the foreign policy strategies, frameworks, and approaches of various governments. This involves working closely with foreign, environment, development, and finance ministries – particularly in the EU, Germany, the UK, the US, and China.

The team is also at the forefront of thought leadership on geopolitics and security, where climate is increasingly shaping the global political landscape. It contributes to international climate regimes, climate cooperation institutions, and governance structures.

E3G’s mission—A Safe Climate for All—underpins the team’s focus areas, recognising that this decade is crucial for climate ambition, action, and cooperation. The team’s objectives are:

  1. Facilitating a global climate regime for the 2025-2035 phase that delivers on mitigation, finance, and resilience ambitions, including through UNFCCC/COP30 diplomacy and complementing frameworks such as the Action Framework and G7/G20 leadership.
  2. Supporting the integration of climate objectives into the foreign policies of key governments. This includes expanding their capacity and partnerships to lead an orderly global climate transition in an increasingly complex world, strengthening multilateral cooperation, and promoting dialogue to foster cooperation and manage competition.
  3. Addressing and anticipating geopolitical challenges, ensuring major powers, such as the G7, G20, and BRICS+, understand and respond to the risks and stressors posed by the climate transition and impacts. This involves managing the intersection of geopolitics, geoeconomics, and geosecurity.

Kaysie Brown

Associate Director - Climate Diplomacy & Geopolitics

Kaysie Brown leads E3G’s work on Climate Diplomacy and Geopolitics, working with a wide range of public and private stakeholders to support ambitious diplomatic outcomes and to keep climate high on the geopolitical agenda across governments and key decision-makers.

E3G Washington Office

Ana Mulio Alvarez


Angeline Sanzay

Policy Advisor

Anna Peran


Anton Jaekel


Cosima Cassel 

Programme Lead

Lekai Liu

Policy Advisor

Max Gruenig

Senior Policy Advisor

Oliver Smith


Steffen Menzel

Programme Lead

Tom Evans

Senior Policy Advisor

Travis Brubaker

Senior Policy Advisor

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