Our teams are made up of diverse specialists
Our work is global in outlook. Political economy and governance underpin our efforts across seven interconnected teams. The scope of our work is unified in its ability to leverage the biggest impacts.
The world has run out of time to avoid dangerous climate change. Climate impacts are hitting earlier and harder around the globe. The barriers to achieving a climate-safe world are political and institutional, not financial or technological.
The next decade is critical for delivering climate safety. Transforming societies and economies will require using new strategies and capacities. While reports on solutions to climate change remain key to delivering climate safety, so does rapidly creating real solutions.
Governments need to be willing and able to take drastic action to mitigate the worst impacts of climate change. Through analysis, diplomacy and coalition building, we work to win the politics and geopolitics of climate. See Winning the politics of climate.
To achieve a safe climate for all, carbon emissions need to reduce drastically, fast. We build the political conditions and policy solutions to drive the phase-out of coal, oil and gas from the global economy. See Accelerating energy transition for a clean economy.
Delivering the climate transition will cost trillions of dollars, and the costs of climate impacts will only increase. We promote reforms to financial systems to secure the investment needed for mitigation and adaptation. See Getting investment where it matters.
Our work is global in outlook. Political economy and governance underpin our efforts across seven interconnected teams. The scope of our work is unified in its ability to leverage the biggest impacts.
Since our beginning in 2004, we have been driving action for climate safety. We are proud of our achievements including: