Reaction to the final deal on Energy Union Governance

Reaction to the final deal on Energy Union Governance

The European Parliament and the Council have just reached an agreement on Energy Union Governance, a regulation that sets out new accountability rules for member states in energy matters after 2020 and brings home some of the requirements of the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Reacting to the initial elements of the deal, Quentin Genard, Senior Policy Advisor at E3G, said

EU member states just got themselves a brand new rulebook. Negotiators have agreed on measures that should hold member states accountable for delivering their energy targets. But the regulation is only providing tools: the real test will be in the ambition of the national 2030 plans, the long-term 2050 plans and their respective update in five years time.

On climate, the negotiators put the emphasis on net 0 by 2050 at the latest – the only benchmark compatible with the Paris Agreement. This is the next frontier, and everyone should get ready for it.


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