It's here! Cold Homes Week runs from today, Monday 3 February – Friday 7 February to raise awareness about the suffering of the fuel poor and to get the support of politicians for the campaign to make UK homes super energy efficient. Use #ColdHomesWeek to get involved.
Last winter a person died every six minutes from the cold. Chilling. That's 31,000 British deaths, many of them preventable. Thousands agree this is unacceptable, but does your MP? Check on the Energy Bill Revolution's website.
It's #coldhomesweek! Support @EnergyBillRev in the fight against #fuelpoverty
— E3G (@EthreeG) February 3, 2014
Thank you to everyone who sent in scarves they knitted for #coldhomesweek! Will be presented in Westminster tomorrow
— EnergyBillRevolution (@EnergyBillRev) February 3, 2014
Supporting #ColdHomesWeek & calling for energy efficiency to end high bills & #fuelpoverty. Thanks all who lobbied #energybillrevolution
— Caroline Lucas (@CarolineLucas) February 3, 2014
Never a dull moment at #thecallcentre Check out our selfies in a scarf for #coldhomesweek with the @EnergyBillRev
— The Call Centre (@CallCentre_SBM) February 3, 2014