Press releases

European Parliament calls for ambitious energy efficiency drive

European Parliament calls for ambitious energy efficiency drive

The European Parliament today adopted a report calling on the European Commission to develop a far more ambitious Energy Efficiency Directive.

The report refers to the Parliament resolutions calling for a binding target to cut energy demand by 40% by 2030. It also calls on the Commission to make energy efficiency an infrastructure priority, to mobilise the capital needed to help make all European buildings highly energy efficient.

Reacting to the news, Ingrid Holmes, Director at E3G said:

The European Parliament has understood the role of energy efficiency in delivering the Paris Agreement and its contribution to energy security, improved competitiveness and the fight against energy poverty. A binding and ambitious target would drive the delivery of a more energy efficient European economy.

Ada Amon, Senior Associate at E3G, added:

Energy efficiency delivers similar economic returns to other infrastructure projects. It must be allowed to compete on a level playing field with other supply side investments. It is good for the economy and the only way we will meet our long term climate targets.



Ingrid Holmes, Director, +44 7825 829592,

Notes to Editors

  • E3G is an independent global think tank, working to accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy. E3G specializes in climate diplomacy, climate risk, energy policy and climate finance.
  • In 2016, E3G was ranked the number one environmental think tank in the UK by the Go To Think Tank Index, second in Europe and sixth in the World.
  • More details about treating energy efficiency as an infrastructure priority can be found here.


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