Registered company address:
Third Generation Environmentalism Ltd
4 Valentine Place, London SE1 8QH
Registered in England and Wales. Company number 5158916. VAT number 853 8365 94.
E3G is established in the UK as a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee. E3G maintains full independence in all its activities, and is funded by a mix of foundations, government bodies and NGOs.
E3G is established in Belgium as a not-for-profit association (ASBL) and in Washington as a private company with 501c3 tax exempt status.
E3G ASBL – Incorporated in Belgium as an ASBL on 4th May 2011.
E3G Inc – Incorporated in the State of Delaware as a private company on 12th December 2009.
E3G is registered as gemeinnuetzige Unternehmergesellschaft (haftungsbeschränkt) at Amtsgerichts Charlottenburg (Berlin): HRB 174437 B
Third Generation Environmentalism (E3G) Ltd Ireland Company registration number is 656225, incorporated 2 September 2019