To achieve a safe climate for all, carbon emissions need to reduce drastically, fast. We build the political conditions and policy solutions to drive the phase-out of coal, oil and gas from the global economy.

A whole-economy approach to phasing out fossil fuels
We recognise that bringing down emissions means finding alternatives for fossil fuels wherever they are used, and reducing our energy demand. We promote the urgent scale-up and adoption of renewable energy as critical, but also demonstrate how to drastically improve energy efficiency. We highlight the need for innovative industrial strategies, and an approach to international cooperation and trade that enables, rather than blocks, fossil fuel phase-out. Find out more about our cross-E3G teams for Energy Transition, Fossil Fuel Transition and Clean Economy.
Finding evidence-based policy solutions
Our analysis informs an evidence-led dialogue for change. We anticipate the issues that need to be tackled to eliminate fossil fuels from our societies, and provide data and policy solutions to help resolve them. We take a realistic approach to unproven technologies – seeking to understand where they may offer benefit, but challenging their promotion in ways that extend reliance on fossil fuels. We collaborate with partners to pool expertise, and build local and global coalitions of interest to align goals and strategies across all those working for a sustainable future.
We share data trackers and scorecard tools to make visible where progress is being made, and where more action is needed. These include the No New Coal Progress Tracker, the G7 Power Systems Scorecard, and the Steel Policy Scorecard.