Coalition building ethos
We actively shape the architecture of climate action by bringing together diverse stakeholders to align action and foster dialogue.
We actively shape the architecture of climate action by bringing together diverse stakeholders to align action and foster dialogue.
Through our collaborative approach we build connections and bridges, open windows of opportunity and create coalitions for change.
Coalitions are at the heart of E3G’s approach to delivering a safe climate for all. We drive systemic action on climate by identifying barriers and constructing coalitions to advance the solutions needed. We work to build and support partnerships for change across politics, finance, energy, and whole-of-society climate action.
We host the global Secretariat for the Powering Past Coal Alliance, in partnership with the governments of the UK and Canada, and which works with governments and ministries around the world to drive coal phase out. The Coal Transition Commission, developed by the PPCA Secretariat in partnership with the French and Indonesian governments to create a platform for closed door dialogues between advanced and emerging economies, public and private finance is a good example of how we have used our convening expertise to move forward conversations on some of the most difficult issues in the energy transition.
We also support the Energy Transition Council (ETC) and the Clean Energy Transition Partnership (CETP), as well as working with other industry/practitioner-led initiatives such as the Global Renewables Alliance, the Global Power Sector Transformation Consortium, and the Regulatory Energy Transition Accelerator where we engage utilities, system operators, and regulators to enable knowledge sharing and advance policy and regulatory solutions. We also engage civil society and academic networks like the Global Clean Energy Network (GCEN).
We support the International Climate Councils Network by providing its global Secretariat. This membership body brings together and builds the capacity of independent climate advisory bodies worldwide.
We host the Secretariat of the International Transition Plan Network, an international network supporting the development of private sector transition planning with a focus on the official sector. This follows E3G’s previous co-hosting of the Secretariat, in partnership with the UK Centre for Greening Finance and Investment, for the Transition Plan Taskforce, which was set up to deliver on a mandate from the UK government on a gold standard disclosure framework for best practice private sector transition plans to support the climate transition to a clean economy. We have a long track-record in promoting sustainable finance and have been instrumental in supporting numerous organisations and groupings now embedded in the architecture of climate action.
For large-scale public dissemination and mobilisation, E3G runs the London Climate Action Week (LCAW), mobilising whole-of-society climate action in London through innovative coalitions and cross-sector engagement. Held in June annually since 2019, it is now Europe’s largest city-wide independent climate festival, attracting over 45,000 people to more than 300 events annually. It has inspired other cities to follow suit, including Auckland, Dublin, Shanghai and Sydney.