Islamic Development Bank

Technical assistance for implementing Paris goals

This page is part of the E3G Public Bank Climate Tracker Matrix, our tool to help you assess the Paris alignment of public banks, MDBs and DFIs.


Paris AlignmentReasoning
Paris AlignedPartnerships within the IsDB and with partners in place to provide NDC and non-NDC technical assistance.
Climate-related technical assistance at policy-levelNDC ambition increase goal?Non-NDC technical assistance
Implementing partner of NDC Partnership. NDC assistance is integrated into approach to country work.NDC ambition goals fall under country workTechnical Cooperation Program in place of intra-member technical assistance and learning.


The Bank is a partner to the NDC Partnership and implementing member of capacity-building groups including the World Bank’s Climate Action Peer Exchange (CAPE). The Bank has also partnered with institutions such as the FAO to hold regional workshops about NDCs and climate smart agriculture, and organisations like GIZ to run similar workshops about sustainable urban transport.

Nationally Determined Contributions

The Bank is involved in both NDC and non-NDC technical assistance. Specifically, the Bank has developed a Climate Action Enhancement Package which supports “countries’ low-carbon NDC and/or sector strategies in ways that can catalyse [public and private] investment”. Recently, the Bank has carried these Packages out for Lebanon and Palestine. Technical assistance for the ambition and implementation of NDCs is integrated into country work (see Metric 3). This work focuses more on the aspect of operationalisation and implementation than it does on increasing ambition.

Other technical assistance

The Bank’s Technical Cooperation Program uses South-South Cooperation to create a technical assistance and knowledge sharing network amongst partners and member countries.  This program is anchored in the idea of Reverse Linkage, where “member countries and Muslim communities in non-member countries exchange their knowledge, expertise, technology and resources to develop their capacities and devise solutions for their autonomous development.”  This work is not sector specific, and can include both hard assistance, such as provision of equipment, and soft assistance, including workshops and capacity building. We recommend that the Bank make these and other programme successes easily and publicly available.

Clarification from the IsDB would be welcome as to whether it does any technical assistance that could be considered to be counter to the goals of the Paris Agreement e.g. technical assistance to support the development of fossil industries in countries. This will be an area of future research for E3G.

Recommendation: The Bank should integrate NDC ambition into its Reverse Linkage ideology of the Technical Cooperation Program Framework to help member countries reach IPCC 1.5°C scenario compatibility.

Last Update: November 2020

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